Dr. Kamaljit考尔

Dr. Kamaljit考尔 (她/她/她的)

专业知识: 抗菌肽; Pathogenic Bacteria; Breast Cancer; Cancer-Targeting Agents; Cancer Diagnostics;
办公地点: 林克健康科学校园297X
电话: (714) 516-5494


Dr. Kamaljit考尔 is an 副教授 of 靶向给药 和 Biomedical Diagnostics at the 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 药学院(CUSP)

Kamaljit考尔获得了博士学位.D. in Bioorganic 化学istry from Case Western Reserve University (Clevel和, Ohio). She was a postdoctoral fellow at Wesleyan University (连接icut) before moving to the University of Alberta (Canada), where she joined the 教师 of 制药acy 和 制药aceutical Sciences as an Assistant Professor of 地中海icinal 化学istry in 2004.  In 2014, 她搬到了澳门威尼斯人app下载大学(欧文分校), 加州)为杰出校长研究员, transitioning to a full-time role as a founding member of the 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 药学院 faculty in 2015.  Her research focuses on engineering peptides for biomedical applications 和 elucidating their mechanism of action.  Current ongoing projects in her lab include (i) Peptide-drug conjugates (PDCs) for targeted drug delivery to cancer, (ii) Conjugates for targeted drug delivery to the brain for 阿尔茨海默氏症 Disease (AD) treatment, 和 (iii) 抗菌肽 (AMPs) against pathogenic Gram-positive 和 Gram-negative multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria.

考尔发表了75篇经同行评审的文章(h-index = 38), 书中的四个章节, 获批3项专利, 并邀请了34次演讲.  她在几个拨款机构的审查小组任职, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) 和 the Canadian Institutes of Health 研究 (CIHR).  她目前是这些期刊的编辑委员会成员 科学报告制药学, 和 serves on the American 化学ical Society (ACS) Division of 地中海icinal 化学istry - Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC). 



Ziaei,我. Paiva,年代. 姚,N. Sarrami P. Mehinrad J. 赖,. Lavasanifar * K. 考尔 *, Peptide-Drug Conjugate Targeting Keratin 1 Inhibits Triple-Negative Breast Cancer in Mice, 摩尔. 制药., 2023, 3570. [Pubmed]

唉,一个. Saghaeidehkordi K. 考尔*, Peptide-Drug Conjugates with Different Linkers for Cancer Therapy, J. 地中海. 化学.2021, 216. [Pubmed]

Ziaei,. Saghaeidehkordi C. 莳萝,我. Maslennikov,年代. 陈,K. 考尔*, Targeting Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells with Novel Cytotoxic Peptide-Doxorubicin Conjugates, 百. 化学., 2019, 3098. [Pubmed]

Soudy,. Patel W. 傅,K. 考尔,D. MacTavish D. Westaway R. 戴维J. 扎亚茨J. Jham和as *, 循环AC253, 一种新型胰淀素受体拮抗剂, improves cognitive deficits in a mouse model of 阿尔茨海默氏症 Disease, 阿尔茨海默氏症 & 痴呆症:转化研究 & 临床干预措施, 2017, 44. [Pubmed]


Etayash, M.F. 汗,K. 考尔 * T. Thundat*, Microfluidic cantilever detects bacteria 和 measures their susceptibility to antibiotics in small confined volumes, 自然通讯.2016, 12947. [Pubmed]

阿,考尔*. Tarassova R.V. Dangeti,年代. 阿,. Wishart L. McMullen, M. Stiles, Characterization of a highly potent antimicrobial peptide microcin N from Uropathogenic 大肠杆菌, 《. 列托语.2016, 363. [Pubmed]

苏,我.王的年代. 巴塔查尔吉和K. 考尔 *, Structure-activity relationships of an antimicrobial peptide Plantaricin S from two-Peptide class IIb bacteriocins, J. 地中海. 化学.2011, 2399. [Pubmed]


埃尔迈拉Ziaei,我gor Moura de Paiva,年代hih-Jing么, Nasim Sarrami Parnian Mehinrad 贾丝廷莱, Afsaneh Lavasanifar *, Kamaljit考尔 *, Peptide-Drug Conjugate Targeting Keratin 1 Inhibits Triple-Negative Breast Cancer in Mice, 摩尔. 制药., 2023, 20, 3570-3577.
Shirley Tong, Shaban Darwish, Hanieh Hossein Nejad Ariani, Kate Alison Lozada, 大卫 Salehi, Maris A. Richard B . Cinelli. 西尔弗曼, Kamaljit考尔 *, 太阳杨*, 一种小肽增加了人类黑色素瘤细胞的药物输送, 2022年制药学, 14, 1036.
Oluseye Ogunnigbagbe, Christopher G. Bunick *, Kamaljit考尔 *, 角蛋白1在癌症细胞表面受体中的作用, 生物化学与生物物理学报(BBA) -癌症综述2022, 1877, 188664.
Harpreet Dhingra, Kamaljit考尔, 辛格Baljit *, Engineering 和 characterization of human ß-defensin-3 和 its analogues 和 microcin J25 peptides against Mannheimia haemolytica 和 bovine neutrophils, 兽医. Res. 2021, 52, 83.
阿扎姆Saghaeidehkordi, Shiuan陈, 太阳杨, Kamaljit考尔 *, Evaluation of a keratin 1 targeting peptide-doxorubicin conjugate in a mouse model of triple-negative breast cancer, 2021年制药学, 13, 661.
莫娜唉, 阿扎姆Saghaeidehkordi Kamaljit考尔 *, Peptide-drug conjugates with different linkers for cancer therapy, J. 地中海. 化学. 2021, 64, 216-232.
H. Hossein-Nejad-Ariani E. Althagafi K. 考尔 *, Small peptide lig和s for targeting EGFR in triple negative breast cancer cells, Sci. 代表. (自然出版集团),2019,9,2723:1-10.
R. Soudy R. 木村,. Patel W. 傅,K. 考尔,D. Westaway J. 杨,我. Jham和as *, Short amylin receptor antagonist peptides improve memory deficits in 阿尔茨海默氏症 disease mouse model, Sci. 代表. (自然出版集团),2019,9,10942:1-11.
E. Ziaei,. Saghaeidehkordi C. 莳萝,我. Maslennikov,年代. 陈,K. 考尔 * Targeting Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells with Novel Cytotoxic Peptide-Doxorubicin Conjugates, 百. 化学., 2019, 30, 3098-3106.
哈尼·侯赛因-内贾德-阿里亚尼,图沙尔·金,K. 考尔 *, Peptide-based Biosensor Utilizing Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters for Detection of Listeria monocytogenes, ACS:. 纳米板牙. 2018, 1, 3389-3397.
W. Mohammed-Saeid R. Soudy R. Tikoo K. 考尔,R. Verrall,我. Badea *, Design 和 evaluation of gemini surfactant-based lipoplexes modified with cell-binding peptide for targeted gene therapy in melanoma model, J. 制药. 制药. Sci., 2018, 21, 363-375.
H. Soleymani Abyaneh, A.H. Soleimani, M.R. Vakili R. Soudy K. 考尔F. Cuda,. Tavassoli,. Lavasanifar *, Modulation of Hypoxia-Induced 化学oresistance to Polymeric Micellar Cisplatin: The Effect of Lig和 Modification of Micellar Carrier Versus Inhibition of the 地中海iators of Drug Resistance, 制药学, 2018, 10, 196.
S.B. 帕蒂尔,R.M. Al-Jehani H. Etayash V. Turbe K. 江,J. 贝利,W. Al-Akkad R. Soudy K. 考尔,R.A. McKendry T. Thundat J.W. Ndieyira *, Modified cantilever arrays improve sensitivity 和 reproducibility of nanomechanical sensing in living cells, Commun. 医学杂志. (自然出版集团)2018,1,175.
H. Etayash T. Thundat K. 考尔 *, Bacterial Detection using Peptide-based Platform 和 Impedance Spectroscopy, in Methods 摩尔. 医学杂志., 生物传感器和生物检测:方法和协议, 第二版, 亚伯拉罕·拉索利和本·皮瑞尔编辑, 2017, 卷1572, 113-124.
S.M. 岁的我.M. Paiva, M.R. Vakili R. Soudy K. Agopsowicz,.H. Soleimani, M. 希特,K. 考尔,. Lavasanifar *, Traceable PEO-poly(ester) micelles for breast cancer targeting: The effect of core structure 和 targeting peptide on micellar tumor accumulation, 生物材料2017, 144, 17-29.
D.R. Balay R.V. Dangeti K. 考尔L.M. McMullen *, Purification of leucocin A for use on wieners to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes in the presence of spoilage organisms, Int. J. 食物Microbiol., 2017, 255, 25-31.
R. Soudy,. Patel W. 傅,K. 考尔,D. MacTavish D. Westaway R. 戴维J. 扎亚茨J. Jham和as *, 循环AC253, 一种新型胰淀素受体拮抗剂, improves cognitive deficits in a mouse model of 阿尔茨海默氏症 Disease, 阿尔茨海默氏症 & 痴呆症:转化研究 & 临床干预,2017,3,44-56.
P.M. Shaibani H. Etayash,年代. Naicker K. 考尔T. Thundat *, Metabolic Study of Cancer Cells using a pH Sensitive Hydrogel Nanofiber Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensor (NF-LAPS), ACS Sens. 2017, 2, 151-156.
R. Soudy H. Etayash K. Bahadorani,. Lavasanifar K. 考尔 *, Breast Cancer Targeting Peptide Binds Keratin 1: A New 摩尔ecular Marker for 靶向给药 to Breast Cancer, 摩尔. 制药., 2017, 14, 593-604.
Y. Raghuwanshi H. Etayash R. Soudy,我. Paiva,. Lavasanifar K. 考尔 *, Proteolytically stable cyclic decapeptide for breast cancer cell targeting, J. 地中海. 化学. 2017, 60, 4893-4903.
W. 傅,V. Vukojevic,. 帕特尔,R. Soudy D. MacTavish D. Westaway K. 考尔,V. Goncharuk J. Jham和as *, Role of microglial amylin receptors in mediating beta amyloid (Aß)-induced inflammation, J. 中国生物医学工程学报,2017,33 (4):391 - 391.
杰克Jham和as, 拉尼娅Soudy Kamaljit考尔, 当傅, 大卫, Mactavish, Aarti帕特尔, Brain Penetrant Amylin Receptor Based Peptides for 阿尔茨海默氏症 Disease, U.S. 专利申请号. 62/396,370于2017年5月提交.