» Industry Alliances and Commercialization

The Office of 研究 facilitates research collaborations between companies and Chapman University through its Industry Alliances functions where the office provides:

  1. Services on setting up and negotiating the appropriate agreements in collaborations with the Office of Legal Affairs
  2. Guidance on industry/university engagements

The Office of 研究 also manages Chapman’s intellectual property through its Commercialization functions including technology assessment, intellectual property protection, and technology licensing.

For any inquiries, please contact Lawrence Lau, Director of Industry Alliances and Commercialization at lalau@tuwabuki.com or (714) 628-2875.  Virtual Office hours (via Zoom) will take place every third Thursday from 3-4pm: http://chapman.zoom.us/j/92655362707?pwd=ZU51NWdaZkFrbW94SFNuaUZIRTRJdz09