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  • 学生参与公平
多样性, Equity and Inclusion

DEI Student Clubs and Organizations

» 多样性, Equity and Inclusion-based Student Clubs and Organizations

Joining a student group is a great way to meet students who share your interests, connect with people from similar backgrounds or learn from those with different backgrounds. 

Explore the pages listed below to find the perfect community for you.



Groups and organizations for students of color

发现 Chapman's 俱乐部和组织 that are tailored to students of color through the select groups below:

Student Veterans of America, Chapman Chapter

支持 学生退伍军人, 军事/退伍军人家属, 现役军人学生, 储备, 国民警卫队, 参加后备役军官训练军团, and any military-connected students by providing resources, network support, and advocacy to, through, and beyond higher education.

Roxie Arce, 25岁
Creative producing major, President of Veterans Club
"All the communities that we’re surrounded by — LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, Asian Pacific Islanders and more — all of those folks are part of our military community. We are a community of the diversity that is the U.S. We welcome those same people to be a part of our small community at Chapman.”

International and cultural student groups

If you came to Chapman from another country or across the Pacific Ocean—or just have an interest in other cultures—there are several student clubs available for you to connect with others who share similar experiences.

International and Cultural Groups


Religious and spiritual student groups

Chapman has 俱乐部和组织 that support students from a diverse array of religious and spiritual backgrounds.

Additional student groups and organizations

Chapman has groups and organizations dedicated to the interests and needs of first-generation students, LGBTQIA+ students, and students with disabilities. 详情如下:



There is an array of resources and support for first-generation students, including mentorship programs and group activities that foster connection. 

例如, 前途计划 is a great way for first-gen students to get involved with monthly workshops, 每周学习, 还有社会事件.

You can learn more about 前途计划, as well as other activities and resources for first-generation students, 在 第一代项目页面.



You're encouraged to embrace and celebrate your identity and interests by joining a student club or organization.

You can find a complete list of the clubs Chapman offers to the LGBTQIA+ community 在 LGBTQIA+学生页面.


学生 with disabilities groups

残疾学生, disability advocacy 俱乐部和组织 are a great way to find community and a support system. 

澳门威尼斯人app下载的学生俱乐部, 的痴情的人, offers workshops 还有社会事件 that provide a safe space for students navigating complex health conditions.

了解更多威尼斯人app的痴情的人 and other sources of support 在 Applicants with Disabilities page.

英国文学, 修辞, and Cultural Studies major and Holocaust History and Disability Studies double minor
“的痴情的人 have grown to dozens and consist of a diverse group of people with many different backgrounds and conditions that all bring a fresh perspective to campus. We have become activists and advocates for each other and our larger community.”

A welcoming space for student clubs at the Cross-Cultural Centerccc-conference-room-2-1.jpg

跨文化中心(CCC) is a great meeting place for student clubs, offering several conference rooms for meetings, 活动及演讲嘉宾. 

另外, the CCC provides opportunities for students to connect with fellow peers, 俱乐部和组织, and the larger Chapman community.



Can’t find what you’re looking for? 成立自己的俱乐部!

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, visit Chapman’s club database to see a complete list of the student groups

你也可以 learn about starting a new student club here.