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» 学前卫生专业办事处

的 学前卫生专业办事处 可供 所有澳门威尼斯人app下载大学本科生 可以帮助你 成为一个有竞争力的申请人 为专业卫生学校提供:

  • Guidance on exploring the various healthcare career opportunities. 
  • Advising on the course work required or recommended for professional health schools, 包括但不限于医疗, 牙科, 药店, 验光, 足部医疗, 兽医, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 和护理. 
  • 连接ions to various extracurricular activities related to your 利益 and goals. 
  • Workshops, one-on-one appointments, and other application-related support.


见见你的前健康顾问:医生. 克里斯汀变脆christine-crispen-headshot-1.jpeg 格式

电子邮件: prehealth@tuwabuki.com


你的前健康顾问是医生. 克里斯汀·克里斯本02年. She has over a decade of experience in medical school admissions, most of that time in admissions and medical education.

Current students should meet with Christine at least once a semester to:

  • Discuss your goals to plan your class schedule and overall college experience accordingly. 
  • Get application support such as reviewing and revising application materials.
  • Do a mock interview to practice applying to medical and professional health schools.

未来的学生和家庭 with questions about the program or a healthcare career should email prehealth@tuwabuki.com

“As a first-gen student, I greatly benefited from Dr. 变脆的见解. Her honest feedback and attention to all students ensures engagement in fulfilling extracurriculars and a confident application. 感谢我在澳门威尼斯人app下载得到的指导, I am now an Assistant Clinical 研究 Coordinator at Stanford University!"


Being a successful professional school applicant is a combination of what you do in and out of the classroom.

  • 对于学术和实践经验,我们 预健康路径页面 will guide you through the required courses to take and recommend ways to gain clinical experience for various professional schools, depending on the medical pathway you're pursuing.
    • Science majors will take many of the required classes as GEs and/or part of their program requirements. 
    • 如果你不是理科专业的, you can work with your undergraduate advisor on incorporating the required classes into your schedule (many will be GE courses). 
  • 从大局来看,我们的 4年计划页面 will provide ideas of what you can do while an undergraduate. 
    • Remember that your pathway into a health profession is yours and can be individualized based on your major, 利益, 总体的职业目标.





Your extracurricular activities will help you gain experience, learn about various medical fields and become a strong professional school candidate.

参观 医学俱乐部和组织页面 below to learn more about professional and community service-related opportunities at Chapman. It’s never too early to reach out and start getting involved!