» 成为一个部门. 艺术主修或副修(只适用于在读学生)

Education changes constantly in college and you can discover creative talents and dream jobs you never knew existed. 教育是一个自我发现的过程, and we encourage all students to expand their studies to other areas beyond their major. So, why not apply to add a Major or Minor within the Department of 艺术 within 艺术 历史, 艺术(工作室艺术)和平面设计. 威尼斯人app如何申请,请阅读以下说明:

给我们现在的转学生, 如果你在澳门威尼斯人app下载大学至少修了60个学分, you may apply to add a Minor after one semester at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学; otherwise, 你必须在两个学期后再申请.

Add or Change of Major and/or Minor Deadlines (subject to change)

成为一个部门. 艺术主修或副修(只适用于在读学生) Add or Change of Major and/or Minor. 截止日期可能会有变化.

Education changes constantly in college and you can discover creative talents and dream jobs you never knew existed. 教育是一个自我发现的过程, and we encourage all students to expand their studies to other areas beyond their major. So, why not apply to add a Major or Minor in 艺术 历史, 艺术(工作室艺术)和平面设计. 威尼斯人app如何申请,请阅读以下说明:

给我们现在的转学生, 如果你在澳门威尼斯人app下载大学至少修了60个学分, you may apply to add a Minor after one semester at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学; otherwise, 你必须在两个学期后再申请.


如果你想主修或副修艺术史, you are first required to speak with one of our fulltime 艺术 历史 faculty to discuss the requirements and expectations. 请联系Wendy Salmond教授(salmond@tuwabuki.com)贾斯汀·沃尔什(jstpwalsh@tuwabuki.com)或Amy Buono (buono@tuwabuki.com).

If you decide to move forward to officially declare 艺术 历史 as a Minor or Major, 请填写一份 更改主要改革形式. 一旦艺术系收到此表格, they will submit it on your behalf to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Important: Change of Major or Minor E-forms are not processed during class registration periods. 请查看 注册官网页的截止日期 and plan ahead so your requests are reviewed and processed promptly.

Graphic Design: Applications can be sent in at any time but, 如果你在3月1日之前提交, 这是秋季学期的入学申请 & if you apply before October 1, this is for a Spring semester entry. You are first required to speak with either Associate Professor Eric Chimenti (chimenti@tuwabuki.com)或Claudine Jaenichen教授(jaeniche@tuwabuki.com), our fulltime Graphic Design faculty to discuss the requirements and expectations, 请直接通过电子邮件与他们联系预约. If you decide to move forward and officially declare Graphic Design as a Minor or Major, submit the following materials in one PDF file (max 20MB) via email to chimenti@tuwabuki.com. The review process takes up to 7 business days and you will be contacted via email of the decision.

利益声明书: Write a statement of interest outlining relevant experiences, 成就, and what you hope to achieve through pursuing a degree in design. 另外, discuss any specific areas of design that particularly interest you and how you believe that will impact the future of society and our planet as a whole. Reflect on how you will become that designer and how you believe that your skills, ambitions and responsibility as a design student can contribute to the growth of our program. (最多500字)

影响描述一个研究设计项目, 工作主体, 或者是有创造力的人, 机构, 或者是受你影响的组织? What is impactful about the work and how has the methodologies, 工作主体, 影响了你成为设计师的决定? (最多500字)

媒体: Provide 8-10 pieces from your portfolio that you feel best demonstrates your talents and creative scholarship. We accept diverse mediums that represents your best 工作主体 including design, 画, 摄影, 设计研究案例研究或顶点项目, 绘画, 陶瓷, 雕塑, 或视频. 除了传统媒体, we invite submissions that exemplify your exploration at the nexus of design and technology. 这包括, 但不限于, 数字装置, 交互式设备, and wearable technology that demonstrate innovation and a hands-on approach to design, 原型设计, 测试, 和制造.

陈述你作品集中最成功的两件作品: Choose the two most-successful works in your portfolio and explain what makes them the most significant, 包括怎样的形式元素, 研究, and process of the work supports the meaning of the final project. (最多500字)

推荐信: Submit a signed letter of recommendation from a teacher or mentor that can speak to your creative talents and merits as a creative scholar and student.

更改主要改革形式. 一旦艺术系收到此表格 & 你的申请被批准了, the department will submit it on your behalf to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Important: Change of Major or Minor E-forms are not processed during class registration periods. 请查看 注册官网页的截止日期 and plan ahead so your requests are reviewed and processed promptly.

Studio 艺术: Application can be sent Monday, February 12, 2024 through May 3, 2024. 学生 currently enrolled or have completed an art class at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, 欢迎申请辅修或主修工作室艺术. You are first required to speak with one of our fulltime Studio 艺术 faculty to discuss the requirements and expectations, 请直接通过电子邮件与他们联系预约: Associate Professors Micol Hebron (hebron@tuwabuki.com)、Lia Halloran(艺术主席)(halloran@tuwabuki.com)、大卫·基迪(kiddie@tuwabuki.com)或Julie Shafer (jshafer@tuwabuki.com). If you decide to move forward to officially declare Studio 艺术 as a Minor or Major, please submit the following materials in one PDF file (max 20MB) via email to halloran@tuwabuki.com. The review process takes up to 7 business days and you will be contacted via email of the decision.

推荐信: Submit a signed letter of recommendation from a 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 art professor if you’re applying to the Major only. You do not need a letter of recommendation if applying to the Minor.

利益声明书: Write a statement (500-word essay) telling us about your interest in contemporary art, 哪个艺术家或运动最让你兴奋, and what media and materials you wish to explore in our program.  

陈述你作品集中最成功的两件作品: Write a statement (500-word essay) about two of your best works and why you consider these your best works.

媒体: Provide 7 images of your artwork for the 艺术 Minor application and or, 艺术专业申请的10张图片. Please identify the title, media, and size of work and combine it all into one PDF.

更改主要改革形式. 一旦艺术系收到此表格 & 你的申请被批准了, the department will submit it on your behalf to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Important: Change of Major or Minor E-forms are not processed during class registration periods. 请查看 注册官网页的截止日期 and plan ahead so your requests are reviewed and processed promptly.

Please indicate your two choices of 艺术 教师 for your 艺术 Advisor.

